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Sadly, every day in Britain, two under-25s die in road accidents. Moreover, statistically, often because of inexperience, drivers are more likely to be involved in an accident within the first two years of learning to drive.
To begin to address these issues, the Driving and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) introduced Pass Plus; a training course specifically aimed at new drivers.
Pass Plus aims to build upon your newly acquired driving skills and is delivered by a fully qualified Driving Instructor.
At the heart of the course are six, one-hour practical modules:
Town Driving All-Weather Driving Rural Roads
Driving at Night Dual Carriageways Driving on Motorways
There is no formal test, but a continual assessment throughout by your Instructor, who will appraise every aspect of your driving before deciding to issue a Pass Plus Certificate.
Visit the DVSA website to find out more about Pass Plus
Courses cost £222- CLICK HERE to book a Pass Plus course TODAY!